Monday 16 March 2015 at 02:00 pm - PUBLIC OUTREACH OPG Pickering March Madness
Posted by: Arnold Brody Category: Astronomy in the Park Contact:
When: Monday 16 March 2015 at 02:00 pm Ends: Monday 16 March 2015 at 07:00 pm
Location: Information Centre at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
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Have a fun morning and afternoon at OPG's March Madness event. This year's theme is Space! The Durham Region Astronomical Association will have displays and literature on all things astronomical. Make your own planisphere that shows you what stars and constellations are visible for any date and time. And we will have solar-filtered telescopes providing safe views of sunspots and solar prominences!
DRAA members who would like to participate: please send a note to Arnold Brody at Thank you.
The public entrance to the Pickering generating station is off of Montgomery Park Road, first left west of Brock Road South. Follow the signs to the Information Centre.
The DRAA is for everyone from beginners to advanced amateurs, the club caters to all levels. - Monthly Meetings - Workshops - Dark Sky Site - And much more Still not sure? Find out more!
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