Saturday 22 May 2010 at 01:00 am - PUBLIC OUTREACH Astronomy in the Park Brooklin - CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER
Posted by: Warren Gallagher Category: Astronomy in the Park Contact:
When: Saturday 22 May 2010 at 01:00 am Ends: Saturday 22 May 2010 at 03:00 am
Location: Luther Vipond Memorial Arena Fairgrounds Brooklin
The Durham Region Astronomical Association will hold an evening of telescope viewing of the first quarter Moon, Mars, Venus and Saturn as well as other celestial objects. Join us for a look through large telescopes and witness the craters of the Moon and large "Seas". The rings of Saturn are slowly opening, Mars is fading from us and Venus slowly sinking in the West. This event is free of charge.
The DRAA is for everyone from beginners to advanced amateurs, the club caters to all levels. - Monthly Meetings - Workshops - Dark Sky Site - And much more Still not sure? Find out more!
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