Monday 04 August 2008 at 04:00 pm - Celebrate McLaughlin Day Parkwood Estate
Posted by: DRAA Support Category: Astronomy in the Park
When: Monday 04 August 2008 at 04:00 pm Ends: Monday 04 August 2008 at 09:00 pm
Location: Parkwood Estate
270 Simcoe Street North
Join the DRAA as we celebrate McLaughlin Day. An elaborate indoor display of all manner of things astronomical will be supplemented by daytime safe viewing of Sunspots and Solar flares. Learn how to use a telescope at our telescope clinic, enjoy our multi-media presentations, browse our image gallery and read about astronomical objects, and help yourself to factsheets.
The DRAA is for everyone from beginners to advanced amateurs, the club caters to all levels. - Monthly Meetings - Workshops - Dark Sky Site - And much more Still not sure? Find out more!
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