Thursday 12 April 2007 at 01:30 am - Stargazing at UOIT
Posted by: DRAA Support Category: Astronomy in the Park
When: Thursday 12 April 2007 at 01:30 am Ends: Thursday 12 April 2007 at 04:00 am
Location: Durham College / UOIT
This event is still proceeding with an indoor venue. We can set up in the Business/IT building which is the building on the East side of the courtyard area A (see map below);. This is the building directly across the road from the parking lot. Students and faculty will assemble at 9:00 pm, so please arrive beforethen to set-up.
DVD Presentation: Jupiter & Saturn An exploration of the two largest planets in our solar system, with close-ups of their rings and satellites.
Public Outreach An overview of needs for public outreach will be described by the Public Relations Officer, Warren Gallagher.
Assessing Sky Conditions - presented by Dan McRae
What's Up for April/May Skies Your tour of the night skies presented by Member Observing Committee Chair, Jeff Dutton
Member Survey The member survey will be announced and described.
Annual Meeting An overview will be provided on the procedures and timing for member nominations for Board members and any proposed by-law and/or fee changes.
Show-and-Tell Bring a telescope or any accessory, book, star chart, astronomy software, D-I-Y project or anything that helps you as an amateur astronomer. Alternatively, the show-and-tell can be presented via a PowerPoint presentation.
On deck:
D-I-Y Focuser, Doug Butterfield
Observing Chair/Dolley, Bob Klecanda
My Obsession, Michael D'Angelo
Saturday 21 April 2007 at 06:00 pm - International Astronomy Day 2007
Posted by: DRAA Support Category: Astronomy in the Park
When: Saturday 21 April 2007 at 06:00 pm Ends: Sunday 22 April 2007 at 04:00 am
Location: Parkwood Estates 270 Simcoe Street North Oshawa
Join the DRAA as we celebrate this international event. An elaborate indoor display of all manner of things astronomical will be supplemented by daytime safe viewing of sunspots and solar flares, and night viewing of the Moon, Saturn, and other celestial wonders. Learn how to use a telescope at our telescope clinic, enjoy our multi-media presentations, browse our image gallery and read about astronomical objects, and help yourself to factsheets.
Daytime Solar Viewing and Astronomy Display at Pumpkinville
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The DRAA is for everyone from beginners to advanced amateurs, the club caters to all levels. - Monthly Meetings - Workshops - Dark Sky Site - And much more Still not sure? Find out more!
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