Saturday 15 March 2003 - Astronomy in the Park: Maple Syrup Festival at Purple Woods
Posted by: DRAA Support Category: Astronomy in the Park
When: Saturday 15 March 2003
We lucked out with the mild temperatures, clear skies, a huge sunspot and enough flares to wow the crowd. It was great to see the same people coming by for a second and third look.
Tuesday 18 March 2003 - Monthly Meeting: The Complete Observer's Toolkit, presented by Geoff Gaherty
Posted by: DRAA Support Category: Monthly Meetings
When: Tuesday 18 March 2003
Most amateurs quickly discover that a telescope is only the tip of the iceberg as far as astronomical equipment purchases go. The speaker will discuss the many other items, some essential, some nice-to-have, and some totally useless, acquired by observe
Monthly Meeting: Holiday Shopping Guide for Telescopes and Astronomy Accessories, presented by Abe Slomovitz
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